Whether you have obstructive sleep apnoea or are simply a habitual snorer, snoring can have an enormous impact on your life and that of those who live with you, especially your partner. There are numerous snoring solutions available, from basic lifestyle changes to products and even surgical interventions which can help stop snoring to varying degrees. But which one is going to be best for you?
Lifestyle Modification as a Snoring Solution
If you snore, you should as a priority address those lifestyle choices that may be contributing to your habit of snoring. These include being overweight, overindulging in food and alcohol (especially at night), smoking cigarettes, sleeping on your back, failing to exercise, and relying on sedatives to sleep. Improve your general health and wellbeing – and minimise snoring – by exercising regularly, consuming a healthy, fresh diet, avoiding alcohol, not smoking, and losing excess weight.
When healthy changes to your lifestyle are not enough for you to stop snoring, you need to see your doctor to rule out more serious health issues, such as obstructive sleep apnoea. There is also an array of snoring solution options, and some of these are more effective than others.
Snoring Solutions
- Sleep Exclusively on your Side – sleeping on your back can cause the soft palate, uvula and tongue to fall back into the throat and causing snoring. This is a result of gravity. By sleeping exclusively on your side, this does not occur – gravity can’t affect your mouth and throat in the same way. There are sleep devices such as body pillows available that enable an exclusively lateral sleep position.
- Use Elevation Pillows – these elevate your head during sleep, which in turn may help to open the airways and prevent snoring. Alternatively, elevate the head of your bed slightly.
- Vestibular Shield – this is a device that is worn in the mouth. It encourages exclusive nose breathing during sleep, which some claim prevents snoring.
- Nasal Strips – otherwise referred to as nasal dilators, these are adhesive strips that are applied to and worn across the nose during sleep. Their intention is to help to open up the nasal passages for a more open nasal airway.
- Nasal Steroids and Allergy Treatments – allergies can cause congestion and swelling of the soft tissues in the airways. Nasal steroid sprays and allergy treatments minimise congestion and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages and airways, unblocking them and opening them up. This may help minimise snoring.
- Mandibular Adjustment Device – this oral appliance helps to reposition the lower jaw during sleep. Worn in the mouth, it holds the jaw a little more forward than it would usually rest, and this helps to keep the tongue slightly forward as well. This is one of the proven snoring solutions that help to alleviate snoring. ApneaRx is a mandibular adjustment device that is available in New Zealand.
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) – the CPAP machine involves the user wearing a face mask during sleep. The mask is attached to a compact air pump which delivers continuous pressurised air flow to the person’s airways via the mask and this, in turn, helps prevent airway collapse. The airflow is set based on the severity of snoring and the user’s anatomy, and it is a solution often prescribed to those who experience obstructive sleep apnoea.
- Surgery – severe cases of snoring may require surgical intervention. An ear, nose and throat specialist surgeon performs these types of surgery. Depending on the surgical procedure recommended, it may be under a local or general anaesthetic and may be a minor or more major procedure.
- Uvulopalatoplasty – shortens the uvula at the back of the throat to minimise its vibration. Small incisions beside it are also made; as these heal to scar tissue, the soft palate is stiffened.
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty – removes all or part of the uvula, soft palate, and tonsils to open the airways in the throat.
- Septoplasty – corrects a deviated septum
- Somnoplasty – uses radio waves to shrink the soft tissues that vibrate to cause snoring
- Injection Snoreplasty – a chemical is injected into the soft palate. This causes tissue breakdown so there is less vibration, hence less snoring.
- Adenoidectomy – removes the adenoids to open the nasopharynx.
- Palatal Implants – implants three small rods into the soft palate to prevent its collapse.
Why is ApneaRx the Best Snoring Solution?
The ApneaRx device is the ideal snoring solution. It is:
- Non-invasive
- Highly effective
- Affordable
- Safe
- Unobtrusive
- Comfortable to use
Available from a New Zealand-based company, ApneaRx is delighted to provide this innovative medical-grade mandibular adjustment device. Its revolutionary patented design was developed and fine-tuned by medical scientists and biomedical engineers, and it is adjustable in 1mm increments so that you get the perfect fit for your own mouth. It is the most effective, safest, and most comfortable of all snoring solutions.
Browse our site to learn more about ApneaRx and order yours today to say goodbye to snoring forever.