Are you a loud snorer? Snoring like a jackhammer (or a freight train!) could be harming your relationship.
Snoring is a significant medical issue with ramifications for your health and wellbeing. But what about the impact of snoring on your relationships?
Relationship issues are a common consequence of snoring, especially for people who snore loudly. This is not limited to the relationship with the intimate partner either, as loud snoring can be annoying and disruptive to other household members and even neighbours. Some people who fall asleep easily and snore badly even annoy strangers on public transport, in hotels and campgrounds, and in cinemas.
A lot of snorers laugh off or negate claims that they snore (and especially that their snoring is a problem), and many will become annoyed themselves that others can’t just “get over it” or stop being so “petty”. But the harsh reality is that snoring has major social ramifications and it has been known to end relationships altogether.
For relationships to survive, you need to understand why snoring occurs – and how to stop it.
The Causes of Loud Snoring
It has been described as snoring like a freight train, a jet plane, a jackhammer, or a buzzsaw – whichever simile is used, you get the picture – and it perfectly describes the impact of snoring on those who have to listen to it.
Did you know? The quietest snoring is around 45 decibels, while louder snorers average 60 decibels, which is in the range of loud talking, laughter, or an alarm clock. The loudest snorers can exceed 110 decibels – which is louder than a jackhammer. Rarely, snorers can even reach 120 decibels – equivalent in volume to a thunderclap.
Why do people snore? Snoring happens when the soft tissues of the airways in the nasal cavity, mouth, or throat relax too much and vibrate during sleep. The causes of this range from sleeping on the back to breathing through the mouth, being overweight, having large tonsils, or consuming too much alcohol before sleep.
Anything that restricts airflow can lead to snoring, including inflamed nasal passages, allergies, large adenoids and tonsils, a too-relaxed tongue or soft palate, excess body fat, or poor muscle tone in the neck.
The tissues of the airways vibrate against each other with every breath taken – and snoring sounds are the result of this.
Why Do Some People Snore So Loudly?
Snoring can cause different types of sounds, and which sound a snorer makes depends on which tissue vibrates:
- Soft palate vibration causes the longest sound.
- A vibrating epiglottis produces the second-longest sound.
- Vibration at the base of the tongue results in the shortest snoring sound.
Snoring sounds can be soft and intermittent or loud and frequent. If the soft tissues of the nasopharynx vibrate, the snoring will be nasal and soft. If, however, the uvula, soft palate, or base of the tongue vibrate, the snoring will be loud and guttural – and much more disruptive.
Why is Louder Snoring a Bigger Issue?
Sleep issues and relationship issues are closely linked.
Louder snoring suggests sleep apnoea, as well as more serious medical and wellbeing ramifications. Furthermore, loud snoring is detrimental to marital relationships. Some US-based researchers have found that ongoing, disruptive snoring is the third most common cause of divorce ( after infidelity and financial woes).
NZ researchers discovered that 30% of couples in NZ sleep separately due to sleep issues, particularly snoring, and this negatively impacts both and sexual intimacy.
Loud snorers can also disrupt sleep and annoy their other family members, flatmates, neighbours, other people in campgrounds or caravan parks, other travellers on public transport, and even people in the theatre, cinema, or in front of the TV if they doze off.
- Causes deep resentment – for partners whose sleep is interrupted and snorers who don’t accept its severity or why it’s such a big issue.
- Separates couples at night as they elect to sleep alone.
- Leads to irritability, fatigue, burnout, memory issues, weight gain, and poor performance.
- Increases cortisol (stress hormone) production.
- Leads to arguments and, ultimately, a higher divorce rate.
Ways to Stop Snoring
- Lifestyle changes – 1) maintain a healthy weight 2) exercise regularly 3) drink plenty of water 3) quit smoking 4) limit alcohol consumption 5) sleep on your side 6) raise the head of your bed slightly 7) avoid sedative use.
- Treat allergies with appropriate medications to alleviate nasal congestion at bedtime and avoid post-nasal drip.
- Use a Mandibular Advancement Device – ApneaRx is an adjustable device worn in the mouth during sleep. It opens the airways by gently repositioning the lower jaw slightly forward. This improves airflow and prevents snoring.
- Treat Sleep Apnoea – ApneaRx is designed to treat the symptoms associated with mild to moderate sleep apnoea and snoring. It can also be used with a CPAP machine, which is designed to treat severe sleep apnoea. If you have any reason to suspect you have obstructive sleep apnoea, you must seek prompt medical advice for a proper diagnosis and ongoing management plan.
- Surgery – severe snoring that does not respond to conservative management or which has an anatomical basis (e.g. deviated septum, enlarged tonsils, or issues with the uvula, throat, or soft palate), may require surgery.
Treat your Snoring and Sleep Apnea with ApneaRx
ApneaRx is a fully adjustable, Class 1, registered medical device. Due to its affordability, ease of use and comfort, it’s become the number one, go to solution for Kiwi’s suffering from mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring. ApneaRx has been clinically tested ensuring it’s safe to use and is the perfect solution to improve both your sleep quality and your relationship.
Purchase ApneaRx
Explore how ApneaRx can improve your life. Purchase ApneaRX online now. To learn more, call us on 0800 111 325 in NZ (Monday-Friday 11 am-6 pm) or fill in our contact form.