Which Snoring devices actually work?
Snoring is a strong indicator that you are not sleeping well. If you snore, likely, your partner isn’t sleeping well either! A search online for anti-snoring devices and tactics will present an overwhelming array of solutions and devices that claim to stop snoring. But how effective are these? And which are the snoring devices that work?
What is a Snoring Device?
A snoring device is a mouthpiece or other type of device used to limit or stop you from snoring. These come in various forms; some are extremely effective, and others are potentially a waste of your time and money.
Different Snoring Devices
- Nasal Strips – self-adhesive tape strips that are used during sleep to physically pull the nostrils open.
- Nasal Dilators – designed to push the nostrils open during sleep, these are made of plastic or metal.
- Chin Straps – self-adhesive tape strips worn on the face during sleep. They are fastened under the chin and keep the mouth closed.
- Anti-snoring Pillows – raise the head and encourage snorers to sleep on their side.
- Vestibular Shield – a plastic device worn in the mouth to obstruct airflow and force the snorer to breathe through their nose. (This is not recommended!)
- Mandibular Advancement Device – these are worn in the mouth during sleep. They gently push the lower jaw forward to help open the airways and prevent snoring in people whose snoring arises due to vibration of the base of the tongue. The most common oral device, and least invasive treatment recommended by sleep physicians for mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring.
- Tongue-Retaining Device – this is also worn in the mouth during sleep. It works by gripping the tongue to prevent it from relaxing and falling back into the throat, where it would otherwise block the airways. It enables mouth breathing.
- CPAP Therapy – continuous positive airway pressure, this uses a face or nose mask worn during sleep and attached to a machine that pushes air into the mouth to keep the airways open. The most common treatment recommended by sleep physicians for mild, moderate and severe sleep apnea and snoring.
Do Different Devices work for Different Types of Snoring?
There are distinctly different types of snoring – and, as you’d expect, the type of snorer you are influences which type of snoring solution will work best for you.Â
Your snoring may be:
- Nose-based – usually arises when breathing through the nose and is due to blocked or narrow nostrils, a deviated septum, or an obstruction within the nasal passages. It can also be caused by dust, pollen, and pet allergies, cold dry weather, and using certain medications. Nose snorers experience impaired nasal breathing when awake, a dry mouth, bad breath, and headaches on waking, and snoring makes a whistling or grunting sound.This type of snoring responds best to using antihistamines, keeping your home (especially bedroom) clear of allergens, quitting smoking, and using nasal rinses. Nasal dilators may be helpful for some people. Severely compromised anatomy may require corrective surgery.
- Mouth-based – mouth-based snoring happens when a sleeper breathes through the mouth instead of the nose. It may be caused by a blocked nose, oversized or enlarged tonsils, or weak tissues of the soft palate. Mouth snorers tend to sleep on their back (or occasionally side) and snore with an open mouth.Specially designed mandibular advancement devices like ApneaRx can help keep the mouth closed to prevent this type of snoring.
- Tongue-based – if the tongue relaxes too much, snoring can result. It’s more common when sleeping on the back and occurs more in people who are overweight (especially in the neck area), consume alcohol, or use medication to help them sleep. Tongue snorers snore only when asleep on their back and snoring is inconsistent and high in pitch. They may have a larger-than-usual tongue.Solutions for this type of snoring include anti-snoring pillows, tongue retaining devices, and mandibular advancement devices like ApneaRx.
- Throat-based – this is the loudest and most risky type of snoring. It occurs in any sleeping position and is caused by obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), which is a serious medical condition requiring a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. It happens when the soft tissues and muscles in the throat become too relaxed and the walls of the throat collapse. This blocks the flow of air, in some cases completely, and the sleeper must gasp and wake to resume breathing. These people snore regardless of sleeping position (even when upright) and experience morning headaches, poor concentration, sleepiness, loud snoring, dry mouth on waking, and a frequent overnight need to urinate.OSA must be given immediate medical attention and is treated using CPAP therapy. Surgery may be required. Sleep physicians can also recommend mandibular advancement devices to treat people within the mild to moderate range.Some people have a combination of these factors influencing their snoring – and a multifaceted approach may be required.
Things to Consider
How to choose a snoring device that works?
You need to select what will work for you:
- It must be affordable
- It must be comfortable to use
- It must be reusable
- It must be safe to use
- It must be effective and work for your specific type of snoring
- It must be backed up by medical science
- It must not disrupt your sleep
- It must not further compromise your ability to breathe.
You need to understand what is causing your snoring before you choose your snoring device – and if you have any reason to suspect you are a throat snorer, you must seek an assessment with your GP as soon as possible.
What Works?
The right snoring device is the one that works for you – for all the reasons listed above. You may need to try a few different options before finding what best suits you.
Overall, the micro-adjustable mandibular advancement device is the most usable, effective snoring solution. This is what we offer at ApneaRx. It is medically proven, safe for all adults to use, comfortable, reusable, and budget-friendly. Furthermore, it won’t disrupt your sleep – or that of your other household members.
ApneaRx – Leading Anti-Snoring Device Globally
For a medically proven snoring device that works, look no further than ApneaRx. Â The New Zealand brand of a snoring solution that is successfully used by many thousands of people worldwide, ApneaRx gets real results without interrupting your sleep or that of your partner.Â
Explore how ApneaRx can help you stop snoring change the quality of your sleep for the better. Click here to learn more or visit our news page for tips and advice relating to sleep health.
Buy ApneaRx online now or call us on 07 5370 9323.