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Sleep Issues: Coping with a Snoring Partner

Women wide awake in bed with snoring partner

Do you have a snoring partner? Is your sleep suffering as a result? Is your relationship suffering too?

Snoring is a very common problem for many people, but it’s not only the snorer who is compromised by snoring. Many family members of snorers in NZ suffer as a result of the implications of another household member’s snoring. The one most negatively impacted is usually the snorer’s sleeping partner.

Your snoring partner can have enormous implications on your own sleep quality and quantity. These negatively affect your health, wellbeing, and even your relationship.

Researchers have discovered that snoring can be the sole reason for the breakdown of a relationship, and is the third-leading cause of divorce in many countries worldwide.

It’s really important to understand and address the issue.

Why is a Good Night’s Sleep Important?

Your health and wellbeing rely heavily on you getting regular, good quality sleep. The occasional night of poor sleep is not generally harmful, however, regularly disrupted sleep (especially over time) carries the risk of a large number of chronic health implications.

Even moderate, short-term sleep deprivation can result in mental impairment comparable with mild alcohol intoxication. Over the longer-term, chronic sleep impairment can significantly damage your body and your psychological wellbeing.

Health Impacts of a Snoring Partner

Fewer than six to seven hours of deep quality sleep every night are medically proven to dramatically increase the risks of:

  • Weight gain and obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Development of dementia
  • Compromised immunity – leading to more infections, autoimmune disorders, and cancer

Without enough quality sleep, you’re predisposed to daytime tiredness, poor motivation, irritability, lack of concentration, and compromised mental and physical performance. It’s also statistically more likely that you will cause or be involved in a workplace or road accident.

There are a lot of things that can cause your pattern of compromised sleep. Your snoring partner may be one of them.

Relationship Implications of a Snoring Partner

Your partner’s snoring is not just potentially going to negatively impact your health and quality of life. It can – and does – commonly disrupt relationships. Sleep deprivation results in irritability this, in turn, can lead to resentment, guilt, conflict, and compromised intimacy.

The actions one takes to deal with a snoring sleep partner can also be detrimental to the relationship – as well as to sleep quality:

  • Wakefulness during the night
  • Prodding the snoring partner
  • Daytime napping
  • Wearing earplugs during sleep
  • Going to bed at a different time from their partner
  • Sleeping separately

Tips for Dealing with a Snoring Partner

While it is a major issue, snoring should not damage the relationship between you and your partner. You need to pinpoint the cause of their snoring and understand the available solutions.

  • First, you must calmly and kindly talk with your partner and explain how their snoring is impacting your sleep. They need to understand it is an issue for you that you support them to address.
  • Encourage your partner to see their doctor to make sure no underlying medical conditions are contributing to their snoring. This includes ruling out obstructive sleep apnea, which is a dangerous health condition that needs to be treated.
  • Implement lifestyle changes together to support your partner’s pursuit of ways to stop snoring – exercise together to lose weight, stop smoking, minimise alcohol consumption, and eat smaller, healthier meals.
  • Earplugs may help you sleep better if you are willing to use them.
  • A White Noise machine may help to mask the sound frequencies of snoring.
  • Various stop snoring solutions may help:
    • Snorers should sleep on their side
    • Use a decongestant if necessary
    • Treat allergies if you suffer from them
    • Avoid sedatives
    • Try an anti-snore pillow
    • Raise the head of the bed by 10cm
    • Use ApneaRX, a medically proven anti-snoring device
    • Use CPAP machine if you have obstructive sleep apnea
    • Severe anatomical anomalies that cause snoring may require surgery
  • Some couples find that sleeping in separate bedrooms works for them. It’s important to understand that sharing a bed is vital for intimacy. If you do mutually choose to sleep separately, make sure you have some quality time together before sleeping every night and greet each other in the morning. You need to still converse, connect, cuddle, and be otherwise intimate.
  • Be patient. You and your partner both need to understand that snoring is a medical condition. Don’t place blame. With the right solutions, you can both get a better night’s sleep – together.

Stop Snoring Solution:  ApneaRX

ApneaRX delivers an effective and affordable, medically proven solution to snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea. It is a comfortable patented oral device which the snorer wears in the mouth during sleep. It slightly repositions the lower jaw, moving it gently forward to help keep the airways open. This alleviates the symptoms associated with mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring.

ApneaRX is risk-free and may be the ideal solution to stop snoring or solve your issues with your snoring partner. Get your health and your relationship back on track when you address and mitigate this common health issue.

To discover a proven solution for your snoring partner, learn more about how ApneaRX can stop snoring online or call 0800 111 325.